The Tomb of Akhenaton’s Seal Bearer
June 2007

The tomb of Betah Im Weya, King Akhenaton’s seal Bearer was found yesterday by a Netherlands mission during their excavation work in Saqqara necropolis.

Dr. Zahi Hawass secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) asserted that the newly discovered tomb is a very distinguished discovery in Saqqara because it dates back to king Akhenaton’s era (13 72-13 5 5 BC) and the tomb bears unique wall paintings featuring memos while eating fruits.

Sabri Abdel Aziz head of the Ancient Egyptian department in the SCA said that the tomb was built with mud break and composed of an open court surrounded with a pillared corridor ended with three chapels. Most of the tomb’s walls are decorated with scenes featuring the tomb’s owner while presenting offerings to different deities.


Ossama El-Shimi director of Saqqara inspectorate said that the tomb are also painted with daily life scenes reflecting the Amarna art style.


The Netherlands mission is working in Saqqara since early 1990’s in an attempt to found New Kingdom tombs and along the last decade the mission succeeded to found several tombs of the Amarna period that belong to top governmental officials among them are the tomb of Merry Neith, the priest of Atun Temple.