Simone Biles, widely regarded as one of the greatest gymnasts of all time, has a life story that goes far beyond her incredible feats in the arena. While her athletic prowess is celebrated worldwide, the untold story of her family dynamics and the sacrifices made by her grandparents reveals the depth of resilience and love that has fueled her journey to greatness.



From an early age, Simone Biles’ life was marked by adversity. Her biological mother, Shannon Biles, struggled with alcoholism, which severely impacted her ability to care for her children. At just three years old, Simone and her siblings were placed in foster care due to the instability in their home. It was a tumultuous period that could have derailed the future of a young girl with dreams of flying high.




Recognizing the challenges their grandchildren faced, Nelly and Ronald Biles, Simone’s grandparents, made the life-changing decision to adopt Simone and her younger sister, Adria. This decision provided the girls with a stable and nurturing environment that would become the bedrock of Simone’s development. Nelly and Ronald, whom Simone affectionately refers to as “Mom and Dad,” created a home filled with love, discipline, and unwavering support, allowing Simone to thrive.

The adoption, however, brought about a period of estrangement between Simone and her biological mother. For six years, Shannon did not see her children, grappling with her own struggles with substance use and the emotional toll of separation. Shannon’s attempts to reconnect with Simone were further complicated by ongoing legal troubles, ranging from minor infractions to more serious offenses that kept her from being a consistent presence in her daughter’s life.

Despite these challenges, Shannon Biles has always expressed immense pride and love for Simone. In interviews, she has spoken about her admiration for her daughter’s achievements, although their communication remains brief and often lacks the depth typical of a mother-daughter relationship. Their interactions are mostly limited to expressions of love and pride, without delving deeply into personal matters.

The role of Simone’s grandparents in her life cannot be overstated. Nelly and Ronald Biles recognized Simone’s potential from a young age and were determined to provide her with every opportunity to succeed. Their support allowed Simone to focus on her training and develop the skills that would make her an Olympic champion. Simone often speaks about the profound impact her grandparents have had on her life, not just in terms of her gymnastics career, but also in shaping her character and values.

Simone’s story is a powerful testament to the impact of family and the importance of unconditional love and support. The decision by Nelly and Ronald Biles to adopt Simone and Adria changed the trajectory of their lives, enabling Simone to pursue her passion for gymnastics and achieve greatness. While her journey from a challenging childhood to becoming the greatest gymnast of all time is inspiring, it is the love and dedication of her grandparents that provided the foundation for her to rise above her circumstances.

As Simone continues to inspire millions with her athletic feats and advocacy for mental health and well-being, her story serves as a reminder that family can be the difference between despair and triumph. The unwavering support of Nelly and Ronald Biles made Simone not only a champion in gymnastics but also a symbol of hope and inspiration for many. Their love allowed her to soar, and in doing so, they helped her redefine what it means to be a champion—both on and off the mat.