Simone Biles is celebrated as one of the greatest gymnasts of all time, but her impact extends far beyond her physical prowess. Time and again, Biles has shown herself to be a fierce advocate for respect, equality, and justice, both in her sport and in her personal life. Here are five moments that highlight her strength and resilience off the mat.



1. Standing Strong Against Criticism

During the Paris Olympics, Simone Biles faced criticism from her former teammate, MyKayla Skinner, who questioned the talent and work ethic of the current U.S. gymnastics team. In response, Biles didn’t engage in a direct confrontation but instead celebrated the team’s gold medal win on Instagram with a caption that subtly mocked Skinner’s comments. This moment wasn’t just about defending her team—it was about turning negativity into motivation, showing that criticism can fuel even greater success. Biles’ graceful handling of the situation earned her widespread support from her fellow gymnasts and the public, solidifying her reputation as a leader who rises above pettiness.





2. Confronting Racism with Compassion

In 2023, Biles publicly condemned a heartbreaking incident at a gymnastics award ceremony in Dublin, Ireland, where a young Black gymnast was excluded from receiving a medal while her peers were honored. The incident, captured on video, sparked global outrage. Biles, deeply moved by the injustice, sent a personal video message to the young gymnast, offering her support and reaffirming that racism has no place in sports—or anywhere else. This act of kindness and solidarity was widely praised, with many hailing Biles as a “big sister” figure to the young athlete. It was a powerful reminder that Biles’ influence goes far beyond gymnastics; she is a role model for fairness and equality.

3. Defending Her Husband Against Social Media Backlash

Simone Biles’ relationship with NFL player Jonathan Owens came under scrutiny in 2023 after Owens made a comment on a podcast about not knowing who Biles was when they first met. The remark sparked a wave of criticism online, with some suggesting that Biles should leave him. However, Biles stood firmly by her husband, explaining that the negative reactions were far more hurtful than Owens’ innocent comment. Their relationship only grew stronger through the ordeal, with Biles emphasizing that Owens’ support and dedication to her are unwavering. This episode showcased Biles’ commitment to standing by her loved ones and the strength of her character in the face of public judgment.

4. Rising Above Superficial Criticism

Despite being the most decorated American gymnast in history, Biles has often faced unwarranted criticism about her appearance, particularly her hair. This superficial focus on her looks has followed her throughout her career, including during her recent honorary role as a Texans cheerleader. When online trolls targeted her hair, Biles responded with grace, questioning why such criticism mattered when her achievements spoke for themselves. Her ability to dismiss these trivial attacks and maintain her focus on what truly matters—her performance and legacy—underscores her resilience. Biles continues to be an advocate for athletes being recognized for their skills and contributions, not their appearance.

5. Testifying Against Larry Nassar: A Voice for Justice

One of the most powerful moments in Biles’ career came in 2021 when she testified against Larry Nassar, the former USA Gymnastics team doctor who was convicted of sexually abusing over 150 female athletes. Biles’ testimony was a critical step in holding accountable not just Nassar, but also the institutions that allowed his abuse to continue unchecked for years. Her courage in speaking out, even while training at the highest level, was nothing short of remarkable. Biles made it clear that those who enabled Nassar’s actions must also be held responsible, delivering a resounding message about the need for systemic change. This moment cemented Biles’ role not just as a champion gymnast, but as a champion for justice.


Simone Biles is far more than an extraordinary athlete; she is a beacon of strength, integrity, and advocacy. Whether she’s defending her teammates, standing up against racism, or challenging institutional failures, Biles consistently uses her platform to promote respect, equality, and justice. Her actions both in and out of the gym make her a true role model, proving that her strength lies not only in her physical abilities but also in her unwavering commitment to doing what’s right.