Patrick Mahomes Drops a Bombshell: ‘Baseball Was My First Love’ – Here’s Why He Almost Chose a Different Path!

Patrick Mahomes may be dominating the NFL as a 3-time Super Bowl champion, but the Kansas City Chiefs quarterback recently dropped a surprising revelation: football wasn’t his first love.

In a candid interview as part of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2024 list, Mahomes opened up about his deep connection to baseball—a sport he almost pursued instead of football.

Growing Up with Baseball in His Blood

Mahomes’ ties to baseball run deep. His father, Pat Mahomes, was a Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher, spending 11 seasons on the mound until 2003.

Patrick was just 8 years old when his dad retired, but those early years were filled with baseball. Growing up in locker rooms and traveling with his father gave him a front-row seat to the game.

“1,000%, baseball was my first love,” Mahomes said during his Time interview. This statement came as a surprise to many, considering his meteoric rise in the NFL. However, with his father’s influence and countless hours spent on the road with professional teams, it’s no wonder Mahomes initially gravitated toward baseball.

The Impact of MLB Legends

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During his father’s 2001 season with the Texas Rangers, Mahomes got the chance to witness greatness firsthand. One of the most impactful figures in his early baseball memories was Alex Rodriguez, a name that has become synonymous with the sport.

“A-Rod left a strong impression on me,” Mahomes said. Spending time around baseball legends like Rodriguez further fueled his passion for the game, making it seem like his path to professional baseball was inevitable.

A Fork in the Road: Why Football Won

Despite his passion for baseball, Mahomes eventually chose a different path. It wasn’t an easy decision, considering his father’s legacy in the sport. However, Mahomes’ talent in football could not be denied. His powerful arm, which might have been perfect for pitching, translated seamlessly to the football field.

“I loved baseball, but football brought something different—an adrenaline, a rush that I couldn’t find anywhere else,” Mahomes admitted. By the time he was in high school, it became clear that football would be his true calling.

How Baseball Shaped the NFL Star

While Mahomes ultimately chose football, his baseball roots are evident in his playing style. His ability to throw unconventional passes, often likened to a baseball pitcher’s off-angle throws, has set him apart in the NFL. The quick release, the accuracy, and the vision all have their roots in the time he spent practicing on the diamond.

Patrick Mahomes may have chosen a football career, but his heart will always carry a piece of the baseball diamond. Fans can only imagine what could have been if Mahomes had followed his father’s footsteps into the MLB, but it’s clear the NFL got lucky when he chose football. His story is a reminder that sometimes, even when your first love feels right, the best path forward lies in taking the road less expected.