Every legend has a hidden story, a moment that changed everything. For Michael Jordan, that moment wasn’t when he hit the winning shot in the 1998 NBA Finals. It wasn’t even when he became the greatest basketball player in history. It was when he failed, and one person saw past that failure.
Game six of the 1998 NBA Finals was set to unfold in the Delta Center in Utah. As Michael stepped onto the court, the deafening crowd and immense pressure felt familiar, yet something was different. As he adjusted the laces on his red and black Air Jordans, he scanned the stands and suddenly froze. There, in section 113, row 22, sat a face he hadn’t seen in 20 years—the woman who had changed his life: Mrs. Sarah Thompson, his geometry teacher.
The sight of her brought back a flood of memories. It was two decades ago when he had walked into her classroom, crushed after being cut from the varsity basketball team. He remembered the tears he had fought back as he held the crumpled roster that bore his name, or rather, the absence of it. Mrs. Thompson had found him that day, and instead of offering pity, she had offered hope.
“Sometimes, Mr. Jordan, the most important angles in life aren’t the ones you can measure with a protractor,” she had said, her kind eyes piercing through his despair. That day had changed everything for him.
As the game began, Michael felt a strange sensation of being watched, as if Mrs. Thompson’s eyes were following him, urging him to remember the lessons she had taught him. He went through his warm-up routine, but as the game clock started, he felt unusually nervous. His first shot missed. Then another. And another. The crowd began to murmur, and Michael could feel the weight of their expectations pressing down on him.
During a timeout, he glanced back at Mrs. Thompson. She was still there, holding something in her hands—something he had never opened. It was the letter she had given him on graduation day, a promise he had made to himself to read it when he was ready. But now, all he could think about was the woman who had believed in him when he was just a kid with a dream.
As the game progressed, Michael’s frustration grew. He missed shot after shot, and the whispers of doubt began to creep into his mind. But every time he looked back at Mrs. Thompson, he felt a flicker of hope. She had seen something in him that no one else had, and he couldn’t let her down.
With the Bulls trailing by 12 points, Phil Jackson called a timeout. As Michael walked to the bench, he felt the familiar scent of the gym—the smell of polished wood and sweat. It reminded him of those early morning sessions with Mrs. Thompson, where they had spent hours discussing angles, trajectories, and the mathematics of basketball. She had taught him that every shot was a calculation, every move a geometric puzzle.
“Remember, Michael,” she had said, “when you face a challenge, look for the angles. There’s always a way through.”
As he returned to the court, Michael felt a shift inside him. The nervous energy that had plagued him was replaced by determination. He was no longer just playing for himself; he was playing for Mrs. Thompson, for the lessons she had instilled in him.
The game clock was winding down, and the Jazz were still leading. Michael dribbled the ball at the top of the key, calculating the angles in his mind. He could see the defenders moving, their positions shifting like pieces on a chessboard. He remembered Mrs. Thompson’s voice: “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Use their force to create your own space.”
With just seconds left on the clock, Michael made his move. He faked left, watching as the defender leaned in, then spun right, creating the space he needed. The crowd held its breath as he rose for the shot. Time seemed to slow down, and in that moment, he could see Mrs. Thompson in the stands, her eyes filled with encouragement.
The ball left his hands at the perfect angle, just as she had taught him. It arced through the air, and for a heartbeat, everything felt suspended in time. The crowd erupted as the ball swished through the net, sealing the victory for the Bulls.
As his teammates rushed to celebrate, Michael’s eyes were fixed on Mrs. Thompson. He ran toward her, the noise of the arena fading into the background. Tears streamed down her face, and he could see the pride in her eyes.
“You did it, Michael!” she exclaimed, holding up the folded paper he had never opened. “You kept your promise!”
He took the paper from her trembling hands, his heart racing. As he unfolded it, he saw the date—October 15, 1978—the day after he had been cut from the team. Beneath it was a simple diagram of a basketball court, marked with the exact spot where he had just made the championship-winning shot.
The words beneath the diagram made his breath catch: “Today, a young man walked into my classroom carrying the weight of failure on his shoulders. He doesn’t know it yet, but this failure will become his greatest teacher.”
In that moment, Michael understood. It wasn’t just about basketball; it was about life. It was about believing in oneself, about turning setbacks into setups, and about finding the right angles to overcome obstacles.
As he looked up at Mrs. Thompson, he realized that her belief in him had shaped not just his career, but his very essence. “Thank you,” he whispered, tears streaming down his face. “Thank you for believing in me.”
Mrs. Thompson smiled, her eyes shining with pride. “You’ve always had it in you, Michael. You just needed to see it for yourself.”
And in that moment, surrounded by the cheers of the crowd and the warmth of a teacher’s love, Michael Jordan knew that his greatest victory hadn’t just happened on the court. It had started 20 years ago in room 234, where a teacher had looked at a failed basketball player and seen a future champion—not just of the game, but of life itself.
Perjalanan Hidup Michael Jordan yang Kini Berusia 60 Tahun
Michael Jordan dalam seri dokumenter Netflix berjudul The Last Dance (2020).
Legenda Chicago Bulls, Michael Jordan rasanya layak disebut sebagai pemain terbaik NBA sepanjang masa.
Usai memutuskan untuk gantung sepatu pada tahun 2003, Jordan masih mampu mengumpulkan pundi-pundi dalam jumlah besar.
Jordan adalah mantan atlet profesional terkaya di dunia, dengan menghasilkan kekayaan bersih sekitar 1,7 miliar dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 20,7 triliun.
Memiliki kekayaan berlimpah rupanya tidak membuat Jordan lupa untuk berbagi kepada sesama.
Beginilah lika-liku MJ –julukan Michael Jordan– selama enam dekade kehidupannya, termasuk cara dia menghasilkan uang dan membelanjakannya dengan bijak.
1. Berdonasi untuk memperingati ulang tahun ke-60
Pada 17 Februari kemarin, MJ genap berusia 60 tahun.
Ia memperingati momen istimewa itu dengan berdonasi ke organisasi nirlaba Make-A-Wish Foundation sebesar 10 juta dollar (setara Rp 152 miliar).
Donasi ini menandai sumbangan terbesar yang pernah diberikan donatur individu kepada organisasi tersebut sejak didirikan 43 tahun lalu.
2. Memperoleh kurang dari 100 juta dollar AS dalam kontrak NBA
Meski nilai kontrak MJ semasa aktif bermain di NBA tidak sampai 100 juta dollar AS, perkiraan kekayaan bersihnya disebut mencapai 1,7 miliar dollar AS (kira-kira Rp 20,7 triliun), seperti dilaporkan Forbes.
3. Senang bermain golf
Pada 2021, lapangan golf pribadi MJ, Grove XXIII di Florida, AS mendapat julukan “Slaughterhouse 23”.
Disebut demikian karena lapangan itu dirancang dan dibuat untuk MJ agar dapat bermain maksimal menghadapi lawan-lawannya.
4. Fasilitas mewah di lapangan golf pribadinya
Lapangan golf ini memiliki layanan antar menggunakan drone untuk membawakan bir dan minuman lainnya bagi anggota eksklusif klub.
5. Berinvestasi di Dapper Labs
Pada Maret 2021, Jordan menjadi bagian dari investasi senilai 305 juta dollar AS di Dapper Labs, startup di balik platform kartu perdagangan virtual NBA Top Shot.
6. Menyumbangkan penghasilannya dari serial dokumenter The Last Dance
Jordan menyumbangkan penghasilan 2 juta dollar AS dari serial dokumenter The Last Dance ke organisasi nirlaba Feeding America di Chicago dan Carolina, AS.
7. Berdonasi untuk organisasi yang memperjuangkan hak kulit hitam
Pada 2020, MJ dan label Jordan dari Nike berjanji menyumbangkan 100 juta dollar AS selama 10 tahun kepada organisasi yang memperjuangkan kualitas rasial, keadilan sosial, dan akses pendidikan yang lebih besar.
Pengumuman ini menyusul protes di AS atas pembunuhan George Floyd.
8. Membeli saham di DraftKings
Perusahaan taruhan olahraga, DraftKings mengumumkan di bulan September 2020 bahwa Jordan membeli saham ekuitas di perusahaan itu.
Saham DraftKings melonjak 12 persen tak lama setelah dibeli Jordan.
9. Pendapatan melonjak pasca pensiun dari NBA
Penghasilan MJ saat ini jauh lebih banyak daripada total gajinya bermain di lapangan basket.
Di NBA, dia memperoleh total gaji sebesar 90 juta dollar AS. Sekitar 63 juta dollar AS di antaranya diperoleh dalam dua musim terakhirnya bersama Chicago Bulls.
10. Sumber kekayaan utama
Kekayaan bersih Jordan sebesar 1,7 miliar dollar AS sebagian besar berasal dari kepemilikan tim Charlotte Hornets dan kerja sama dengan Jordan Brand.
11. Gagal bermitra dengan Adidas
Jordan dilaporkan ingin menandatangani kontrak dengan Adidas pada 1984, tetapi gagal karena Adidas mencari pemain NBA yang memiliki tinggi sekitar 2,13 meter.
12. Penghasilan Jordan Brand per tahun
Label Jordan Brand saat ini menghasilkan pendapatan sekitar 3,6 miliar dollar AS per tahun.
13. Sepatu Air Jordan semakin populer
Popularitas Air Jordan meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena Jordan Brand menggandeng banyak selebritas untuk terhubung dengan generasi muda.
Label tersebut juga merilis versi baru dari siluet AJ retro untuk terhubung dengan penggemar lama Michael Jordan.
14. Berkolaborasi dengan Fortnite
Jordan Brand juga bermitra dengan video game populer Fortnite.
15. Membeli Charlotte Hornets seharga 175 juta dollar AS pada 2010
Nilai Charlotte Hornets sekarang lebih dari 1,7 miliar dollar AS, dan sebanyak 97 persen saham klub dipegang oleh MJ.
16. Menjual sedikit saham Charlotte Hornets
Jordan menjual sedikit saham klub pada 2019, tetapi dia tidak mau menyerahkan kendali tim.
17. Rata-rata penghasilan per tahun
Sebagaimana diwartakan Forbes, penghasilan Jordan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir kira-kira 145 juta dollar AS per tahun.
Sebagai perbandingan, LeBron James diperkirakan menghasilkan kurang dari 90 juta dollar AS setahun.
18. Beberapa merek yang di-endorse MJ
Saat ini, MJ masih memiliki beberapa kesepakatan endorsement dengan perusahaan makanan dan minuman olahraga Gatorade, perusahaan kartu perdagangan Upper Deck, dan merek pakaian Hanes.
Ia cenderung pemilih dalam menjalin kerja sama. Dalam sebuah kesempatan, Jordan pernah menolak kesepakatan endorsement dengan produsen makanan kaleng Beanee Weenee karena tidak menyukai namanya.
19. Pemilik restoran di berbagai penjuru AS
MJ memiliki beberapa restoran di AS, termasuk 1000 North di Florida, Michael Jordan’s Steakhouse (Connecticut, Washington, dan Chicago), serta Michael Jordan’s Restaurant (Chicago) yang menyajikan makanan klasik Amerika kelas atas.
20. Memulai bisnis tequila
Pada 2019, Jordan dan tim beranggotakan empat orang lainnya terjun ke bisnis tequila dengan merilis merek Cincoro Tequila.
21. Memiliki dealer Nissan
Bahkan, MJ juga memiliki dealer Nissan di Durham, North Carolina, AS.
22. Jet pribadi
Dia mempunyai jet pribadi yang dicat biru dan nomor pesawat yang terdiri dari nomor punggungnya di Chicago Bulls (23) serta jumlah gelar NBA yang diraihnya (6).
23. Properti yang dibangun
Michael Jordan menghabiskan 12,8 juta dollar AS untuk membangun rumah impiannya di Florida pada 2012.
Adapun rumah senilai 2,8 juta di dekat Charlotte yang menawarkan pemandangan danau yang indah.
24. Menjual perumahan di Chicago
Kompleks perumahan Jordan di Chicago pertama kali dijual seharga 29 juta dollar AS. Gerbang kompleks tersebut dihiasi nomor “23”.
Namun 10 tahun kemudian, rumah itu masih belum laku dan harganya turun menjadi 14,9 juta dollar AS.
Pialang real estat mewah menganggap custom yang dilakukan Jordan merupakan salah satu alasan mengapa properti itu belum terjual.
25. Memenangi beberapa sengketa
Pada 2016, Jordan memenangi kasus sengketa dengan Qiaodan Sports, perusahaan pakaian olahraga China yang menggunakan logo mirip Air Jordan.
Jordan pertama kali menggugat Qiaodan Sports pada 2012, namun pengadilan tingkat pertama justru memenangkan perusahaan China tersebut.
Dua supermarket, Dominick’s dan Jewel-Osco juga pernah digugat oleh Jordan. Ia menang, namun uang ganti rugi dari kasus sengketa disumbangkan ke 23 badan amal yang berfokus menangani anak-anak di Chicago.
26. Donasi untuk badai Florence
Pada 2018, MJ menyumbangkan 2 juta dollar AS untuk upaya bantuan badai Florence.
27. Menyumbang untuk pembukaan klinik
Setahun kemudian, dia menjanjikan 7 juta dollar untuk membuka dua klinik medis di Charlotte.
28. Pemilik tim NASCAR
MJ bekerja sama dengan pembalap Denny Hamlin untuk menjadi pemilik bersama tim NASCAR Cup Series.
Mereka membentuk 23XI Racing, dan Bubba Wallace adalah pembalap pertama tim tersebut.
29. Bercerai dari istri pertama
Jordan memiliki tiga anak dari pernikahan pertamanya dengan Juanita Vanoy.
Pasangan itu menikah pada 1989 dan bercerai di tahun 2006. Jordan harus membayar 168 juta dollar AS untuk pembagian harta.
30. Ketiga anaknya mengikuti jejak MJ di bisnis sepatu
Anak tertua, Jeffrey bekerja di toko Nike di Oregon, sedangkan Jasmine –anak termuda– bekerja untuk tim NBA ayahnya dan menjadi representatif Air Jordan di Charlotte.
Lalu, Marcus anak kedua membuka butik sepatu kets di Disney World bernama Trophy Room. Butik ini terinspirasi dari ruang piala sang ayah di rumahnya.