Simone Biles Estranged Sister Speaks Out After Their Mom Gets DRAGGED Online
A Family Divided: Simone Biles’ Sister Defends Their Mother
The ongoing saga of Simone Biles’ family has taken another twist, with her estranged sister, Micah Biles, stepping in to defend their biological mother.
In recent news, Simone Biles’ biological mother gave an interview with The Daily Mail, expressing a desire to reconcile with her adopted daughter. However, she made it clear that she wouldn’t be the one to reach out. This revelation sparked a response from Micah Biles, who took to social media to defend her mother.
Micah Biles asserted that her mother was not a bad person and had done nothing wrong to Simone. She emphasized that life had simply happened to her mother, and that was okay. She also pointed out that Simone had chosen not to have a relationship with her biological mother, which was her decision.
The situation highlights the complexities of family relationships, particularly when adoption is involved. While Simone Biles has achieved incredible success in her career, the challenges she faces in her personal life are evident. It remains to be seen how this latest development will impact the relationship between Simone and her biological mother.
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