Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are DEPLORABLE with nasty bloodletting about royals just to cash in

The recent developments in the British royal family have sparked considerable debate and emotion among both the public and royal commentators. On the surface, what might appear as a family matter has quickly escalated into a broader discussion about loyalty, tradition, and personal integrity.

Yes, some actions and decisions have been labeled as “deplorable and stupid.” But people often make mistakes in moments of confusion or hurt. Reflecting on certain public statements and writings, it’s clear that those involved might regret their choices or words, but once said or written, they remain. A key question is: what comes next? Some individuals wish to move past the turmoil and seek peace, yet others, especially those deeply affected by hurtful remarks, might find forgiveness difficult to offer.

One of the most challenging aspects of family conflict, especially when made public, is the reconciliation process. In situations where family members feel insulted or wronged, such as when a spouse is disparaged, emotions run high. It’s often the role of the parent to step up, to guide, and to forgive. Ideally, a parent should be able to say, “What you did was hard for me to forgive, but as your father, I do forgive you.” This sentiment, though, may seem naïve to some, as moving forward can be an arduous journey, especially for individuals in the public eye.

A poignant example of this is the strained relationship between Prince Harry and his family. Many who have worked with Harry before his marriage to Meghan Markle remember him as a joy to be around-fun, full of life, and deeply connected to his duties. His transition after marrying Meghan marked a turning point, with those close to him noticing a stark change in how he interacted with the media and the public. Suddenly, the Harry they knew seemed distant, and Meghan became the perceived common denominator in his growing estrangement from family and friends. However, Harry has been open about his struggles in the royal role, sharing his challenges with public appearances and his anxiety in certain situations. His narrative suggests a deep-rooted unhappiness, long before Meghan entered his life.

What would Princess Diana have thought of all this? Many believe that, despite the conflicts, she would have supported Harry’s decision to pursue what he felt was right for him. Diana was known for standing by her beliefs, often challenging tradition for the sake of her personal values. It’s likely she would have admired Harry’s courage to step away from royal life if it no longer fulfilled him, but, as a mother, she would also have encouraged her sons to reconcile. The very thought of her sons at odds would have deeply troubled her. Diana was never one to shy away from conflict resolution, and she might have, figuratively speaking, “banged their heads together” to bring peace.

The future of the royal family, particularly the relationship between Harry and Prince William, is still uncertain. As William moves closer to eventually becoming king, many hope that the brothers will repair their relationship. Royal experts speculate that such a reconciliation must happen sooner rather than later, ideally before the weight of the crown falls upon William’s shoulders. But can they bridge the growing chasm between them? Only time will tell.

Recent appearances by Harry, notably in New York where he mingled with world leaders and prominent figures, have drawn attention. Some fear that his increasing visibility might confuse the public into thinking he still plays an official royal role. It’s essential to remember that although Harry retains his title as the Duke of Sussex, his activities are independent of the monarchy. Harry’s engagements are no longer “royal tours” but personal and professional endeavors.

There’s a growing sense that Harry may be considering a partial return to the UK for more engagements, though without Meghan by his side. Their marriage, while scrutinized in the media, seems to function on the premise that they do not need to appear as a unit on every occasion. Yet, Meghan’s absence from recent events has raised questions. Could it be a deliberate move, allowing Harry to rebuild his connections in the UK without the potential backlash Meghan might face?

Looking back, Meghan was once a rising star within the royal family, engaging warmly with the public and fulfilling her duties with grace. But as time passed, tensions grew, and their departure from royal life marked a turning point. Despite ongoing projects such as their Netflix deal and interviews that have stirred controversy, Harry and Meghan’s future role, both within and outside the royal sphere, remains an open question.

In conclusion, the royal family remains a subject of fascination for many, a mirror of both tradition and change. Family dynamics are challenging in any context, but when played out on a global stage, they become infinitely more complex. Whether or not Harry and Meghan will find peace within the family and the public realm is yet to be determined. What remains clear is that forgiveness and reconciliation, difficult as they may be, are vital steps for healing. If the royal family can navigate these turbulent waters, it might offer a hopeful message not just for themselves but for families everywhere.